Thursday, September 21st from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

Boxed Out: Who Really Pays for Next Day Shipping?

Virtual Event (Zoom Link provided upon RSVP)


RSVP is now closed.

For questions, please contact Sonya Glover at

Join an online briefing hosted by Liberty Hill’s Environment + Justice Donor Circle about the challenges faced by communities and workers in the Inland Empire – and the fight for clean air and economic justice.

The Inland Empire is the heart of California commerce, with more than 4,000 warehouses that draw in goods from the coastal ports and push out packages to stores and homes across the U.S. – on more than 600,000 diesel truck trips a day. Today Riverside and San Bernardino counties are home to the country’s largest concentration of warehouse facilities. The boom has made noise, smell, and air pollution a round-the-clock reality for the Inland Empire’s 4 million people. The American Lung Association rates the region as the most ozone-polluted in the U.S. And logistics workers experience low pay, exposure to extreme heat and pollution, and risks of job loss due to automation.