Griffin Hatlestad
Program Director, Housing

In Los Angeles, the majority of tenants are rent burdened. Tens of thousands of Angelenos are unhoused. Anyone living here can see that there is a steep hill to climb before housing becomes an actualized human right. Having suffered a housing loss as a teenager, I have seen how quickly the system of commodified housing can remove people from their homes. Since then, my goal has been to promote new systems of power that keep people in their homes, where they and their families can thrive. I’m honored to join Liberty Hill in that work.
Griffin Hatlestad (he/him) joined Liberty Hill as Program Director of Housing in 2024. With over a decade of nonprofit experience, his housing justice work has focused on supporting families with children who are unhoused or at risk of losing their housing. This work has included housing navigation, shelter operations, grant writing and administration, and program management, including piloting a homelessness prevention program that has grown to serve over 200 families per year.
Throughout this work to fight housing insecurity, one thing has been constantly clear: there is almost always someone on the ground doing the work already, and they are often the people closest to the problem. To pursue housing justice, the best approach is to identify these people and build coalitions founded on solidarity and mutual empowerment.
As the Program Director of Housing, Griffin’s is responsible for working with Liberty Hill’s housing justice partners to implement a variety of housing justice programs, with the goal of empowering Liberty Hill and its partners to successfully keep people housed. His work also includes advocating for housing justice policies at the local and state levels.